Monday, 16 September 2019

Casinos With Live Texas Hold Em Tournaments - Uncovering the Ultimate Poker Tournaments!

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Casinos With Live Texas Hold Em Tournaments - Uncovering the Ultimate Poker Tournaments!
Many casinos are now offering live Texas Hold Em tournaments, however few are offering big prize tournaments. Poker has caught the internet by storm, there are now more poker rooms online then there are countries in the world. Texas Hold Em poker has become more then just a game for the players. For some it has become a way to relax and have some fun, while for others it has become a way to make a living.
The most exciting part of the game is the tournaments. This is where you have the chance to win big money if you are good. I'm sure you have seen them on TV playing the big cash tournaments and walking away with massive prize money (sometimes several million dollars):
I am going to list below a few online casinos with live Texas Hold Em Tournaments which offer big prize money:

: This is one of the largest and most popular poker rooms on the internet. They offer a wide-range of free rolls on a daily basis, which can get you invited to mega cash tournaments. You also got a number of guaranteed tournaments (certain amount of money guaranteed to be given away to winners) and satellite tournaments which connect to big events such as the World Series of Poker and Aussie Millions.

: This poker room is known for their big tournaments. They have thousands of players participating in their tournaments, which take hours to finish. Their $500 Sunday TNL freeze out is a popular event.

: This is a popular poker site that came out as result of a merger with Absolute Poker. It is a favourite for seasoned poker players. It is known for it's tournaments, where up to 14,000 players take part during peak hours. They have a famous $200,000 guaranteed tournament.
Listed above are a few popular online casinos with live Texas Hold Em Tournaments.
However, I saved the best one for last. Although the above casinos are great, there is a hidden gem in the internet which offers even bigger cash prizes and a wide variety of players. The problem with some of the above is you will be up against professionals most of the time.

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